Fri 03 Jan
Get what u Pay For **$80 Incall Special ** 3 No Rush No Dissappointment - 24
(Nashville, nashville/surrounding co.)
Grown & Sexy!! 💯% ReAl & ReCeNt PiCtUrEs! Dont Be Fooled!! Be Fulfilled!! - 31
(Anywhere Outcall, Nashville)
HERE I AM... In The Flesh~ ready and waiting yo do WhAtEvEr your flesh desires. Well? I'm waiting... - 28
electrifying captivating gorgeous woman
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
»-★-» ELITE BRuNeTTe Barbie ♥ In-Call & Out-Call 24/7 »-★-» TOURING YOUR CITY - 22
(Nashville, My Place (Downtown) or Your Place)
👑EgyPtian GodDeSs💕PR0FeSSioNaL RespeCTFUL gentlemen OnLy💋👌💯SPECIALS👌💲* CLASSY🙋*EXOTIC👯* - 23
(downtown nashville airport hermitage, Nashville)
{{** CUM INSIDE.....LETS PLAY! ** ** Petite, Wet Italian Stallion **}} - 21
(Ft. Campbell, Clarksville, surrounding)
..... Cinnamon... New Latina !! blonde latina ....yes !!! Only Here April 2-14 - 32
(Nashville, Nashville,TN)
❤💗💎🎀CoME spend this Saturday night with a vOluptuous upscale discreet bbw💎PiNK DiAMOND💓💘💎
(Nashville, In/Out specials)
CuTe, PeTiTe and StIcKy SwEeT !!! Just Take A Peek !!! Sparkling Reviews !!! Flood Relief Discount ! - 37
*((= CAUTioN =))°o©° * ((=ItAlIaN BoMbsHeLL =)) °o©° *((= CAUTioN =)) °o©° - 20
DONT fall for fake ads! See a reviewed provider! Unsurpassed beauty, intelligence and curves!! - 26
(Nashville, Nashville and surrounding areas)
Thu 02 Jan
A Busty Woman with a * $$ * NUDE Massage Special * I'm Aspen, EAGER to PLEASE and MAKE YOU VERY HAPPY - 35
(Chattanooga, Incall, Exit #1 off I-75 or Outcall 2U)
💖💫💖💫💖⭐SeXy WhItE gIrL⭐ AvAlLaBlE nOw. SwEeT💫 (ExOtIC BeAuTiFuL GiRl 💯ReAl 💖💫💖 - 30 - 30
(Nashville, Nashville / Murfreesboro rd airport area)
💯Real Deal 🔥 Smoking Hott 🔥💋💕Housewife who Squirts💕💋 Great Reviews!! ☎📞☎CALL NOW☎📞☎ - 29
(Harding place, Nashville)
Mon-Sat 9-6pm! If Your Wifey Doesnt Hate Me, Im Not Doin' IT Right 💋MILF-A-LICIOUS💋 CandyCurves - 40
(Knoxville, Nashville, Tri-Cities, West Knox-MY PLACE ONLY)
🔥🔥looking to turn up the heat? well look no further🔥🔥 - 22
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, everywhere, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
💟💟💟💟💟╠╣OT 💟💟💟💟 BLONDE💟💟💟💟💟💟 ╠╣OT 💟💟💟💟💟 TOP CHOICE 💟💟💟💟💟 ╠╣OT 💟💟💟 - 24
(I only come to you. Surrounding areas, Nashville)
💘I Love what I do & u WiLL 2! Im a TOTAL sweetheart let me make u feel like a KiNG!👑 - 22
(Nashville, Your place)
C L I C K •• H E R E •• C L I C K •• H E R E •• C L I C K •• H E R E ¤¤ - 25
(Airport (briley pkwy) (Murfressboro pik), Nashville)
Thick mixed northern girl more then just the usual..$pecials untill noon 8819953 - 22
(Nashville, nashville incalls only)
(Nashville, Nashville & Surr Area)
💋* SweeT*Petite*&&DiscreeT; *💋♥ Pleasure 4 You💋 NeW In TowN*** - 29
(Nashville, Springhil && surrounding areas)
*^*^*^* TeMpTiNg AlYsSa*^*^*^*^ ExTrEmE Fr3Ak *^*^*^*^*^* HoTT SpEciALs*^*^*^* - 21
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m - 21
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, everywhere)
* ✦ (( TOP NOTCH )) (( BLONDE PLAYMATE )) ✦ * (( LAST DAY VISITING! )) - 24
(Nashville, Frkln/cool spgs/brntwd (In&Out;) 9a-11p)
•° •° •° Thickness •° •° •° Bite that B00tyyy!! ... cherryTop ~ Juicyyy ~ - 25
(Nashville, Nashville, tn ( in calls only ))
Top Class 💃🏽 High class👠 Upscale Chocolate Beauty👸🏾 Treat Yourself You Deserve It! - 24
(Downtown Nashville, Nashville)
█▒ °☆°T H E °☆°U L T I M A T E °☆°E X P E R I E N C E °☆° █▒ - 25
(Nashville, nashville & Surrounding Areas)
➎STAR BLONDE ▇💓▇💓▇💓▇💓▇ ╠╣OT & §€XY ▇💓▇➊_iN A_M_I_LL_I'm_O_N ▇💓▇ⓢⓔⓧⓨ➋➍//➐ ▇💓▇💓▇💓▇ - 21
(Memphis, INCALL ONLY,😍 💥💥 HOT💥💥💥 BLONDE)
Private Dancer Companion for those looking for an erotic adventure 5*Service - 38
(Nashville, Nashville & surrounding areas & beyond)
PERFECT 💗 💗 AlWaYS 💗 💗 The_ BeST _ CHoiCE 💗 💗 {1oO% real } - 22
(Nashville, shellbyville/murfreesboro in/out)
°o°o ( C E R T I F I E D * 2 * S A T I S F Y * E V E R Y * D E S I R E ) °o°o - 21
(Nashville, ashville/murfreesbro)
NEW IN TOWN Smoking hot BUSTY PLAYMATE Very Very ! :) - 26 - 26
**Jessicas Specials** in call/& out call available!!! - 23
(Nashville, Nashville and surrounding areas)