Mon 27 Jan
x stripper new pics . looking for good friends nice body rub and date get out memphis come to me! - 34
(Memphis, no memphis dyersburg or jackson tn)
YoU'LL NeVeR FoRGeT ME BaBy♡#1E✖ΘTiC &FuN;ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ*Hhr~Hr Specials*♡Available Now!♡CoMe ReLax w/ME♡C(; - 23
Super bowl after party right here in my super pool (incall/ hr special) - 24
(Memphis, surrounding areas)
Young Sexy & Classy Kaylee 100% real pics or its free... (credit card welcome) - 26
(Nashville, Nashville area by airport INCALLS ONLY)
Specials!!! 2 girl specials!! Leaving town Sunday So don't Miss out On Double The Trouble 👯.❤️💋♋️ - 23
(Memphis, Sycamore View Bartlett Cordova area)
**Sexy %% Thick $$ Freaky *% Chocolate ** Treat #$ (New To Town) *%$ Exotic...(901)364~4015 ** - 23
(Nashville, Nashville (Near The Airport))
♥Warm AND Wild♥♥♥ Call KELLY♥♥ - 23 - - - 23 - 23 - - 23
(Nashville, airport north / in / outcalls available)
➡➡➡Specials, Special , Look No Further 😍 Hottie With A body(50$incallSpecial]🌹🌹🌹 Available 24\7 - 23
(Memphis, Whitehaven & surrounding areas)
Rεaℓ & Upscαℓε •💎• hypnotic ßεαuty [×👑×]🌠OutcallsOnly🌠[the ×👄×] §€Xy Erotic 💎 Sωεετ Pεяƒεcтioη - 22
(Nashville, Nashville/Antioch Outcalls Only)
♡♡♡♤♡♡♤♢♢ To Hot for TV Lisa Is Back Click Here ♤♤♤♤♡♡♡♡♡♢♢♧♧ - 22
(Nashville, airport area / outcalls available)
🔚 the search give your 👀 a break and pick up the ☎☎ - 26
(Clarksville, Paris/Dickson/Erin/Waverly/outcall)
°°✔VerY ADDICTivE ♔♔•°o °•★SEXY★••★ ♥♥ØN€ Dا€ & YØU'LL B€ HØØK€D ★•°o°•★ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð - 20
🍓$trawberry Delight💋💸$50 special come take a bite give it a slap and watch it clap😍2 girl deal also! - 22
(Memphis, American Way (incalls only))
💏Smokin' hot redhead!!💖Up all night ready to party!!🌹Seeking upscale clientele💟 - 30
(Nashville, east nashville)
💖💋 Nina B wants to see you! 100% Me or it's free!💋💖 - 25
(Nashville, Nashville and surrounding area)
** NINA ** 502-468-6683 * JAZ's friend* Incredibly Sexy & Classy for the Upscale Gentlemen - 32
(Nashville, Outcall / Incall)
=NEW LOCATION==== Roman New Age Spiritual Recovery =Rubdowns======= ============ ========= - 25
(Memphis, midtown/downtown)
🌈SkYz Unforgettable 50$pecials New2Town here (Limited Time Only)Call9012361406 ☎ - 20
(Memphis, American way & getwell)
Let Me Make All Your Fantasies Come To Life Baby$$ - 20
(Nashville, Antioch,Nashville&surrounding; areas)
🌸🌴🍒▇♥▇▇♥▇ No ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ONE ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ DOES IT ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥LIKE ▇▇♥▇ ▇♥ME ▇▇♥▇ - 36
(Chattanooga, Cleveland Incall)
LASTDAY on BP Gorgeous Blonde* 100$ Busty 36Ds Paris New #* available Late \early - 24
(Knoxville, North Knoxville downtown area)
Melting milk chocolate!! let me cream all over you !!! outcall/incall - 24
(Memphis, surrounding all areas)
💰Mizz.Cumalot🔥$Let me be your Valentine in fulfill ur desires👅!!2 girl special😍 - 22
(Memphis, Memphis area/Sycamore view)
ill make it the best night of your life..! hottest model in Nashville!! realest woman!! - 23
(Nashville, Nashville / surrounding areas)
♡INcall Available♡North of Nashville♡Pretty Posh#615.708.4791# - 28
(Hendersonville, North of Nashville)
Last Day!!!!💎 100% ℛεaℓ 💎 ❤Upscαℓε 💎 ßig ßooty 💎 ❤ßruNette ρℓαγ ℳᆀ ❤️ Hablô ëspañol‼️‼️ - 24
(Clarksville, Oak Grove)
I'm Friendly* Fun$ Sexy* Sweet $Come c me for THE PERFECT TREAT *$* - 24
(Nashville, Nashville, Hermitage, Antioch, Airport)
Great Special - I like pleasing men, I will make you happy - I'm Stacey - Incalls & Outcalls - 24
(Nashville, AIrport area Incall and Outcalls to you)
iLl Be YoUr FaV gEt AwAy InCaLl SpEcIaLs ThAt ArE aS sTuNnInG aS mE ... DoNt MiSs ThIs ExPeRiEnCe! - 23
💜💋💖💋💜 ( (💟💟🎀 HOT n BUSTY 🎀💟💟) ):: :: ( (💟💟🎀 A V A i L A B L E 💖💕💟💟 ) ) :: :: ( ( - 36
(Chattanooga, Cleveland / Athens)
♛ MEMPHIS, TN ♛ TrUcKeR Fr€iNDly ♛WoMeN oF YoUr DrEaMs♛FeTiSh FrIeNdLy♛ - 20
(Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee)
**DIAMOND DOLLY**36DD Blonde Bombshell All HH-100¥¥ - 36
(Knoxville, Knox area,SeviervileGatlinburgMorristown)
█ █ Hot Sexy PLAYMATE (ALL NIGHT OUTCALLS) Just One Call Away To Give You What You Deserve! - 27
Sexy petite Latina Playmate for your PLEASURE 9014946290 Mi Hablo Espanol ❌❌ NO BLACK MEN ❌❌ - 24
(Elm Hill Pike INCALLS ONLY, Nashville)
🎀💕 SPeCiAl 💕 40 SPECiAlS 💕BEAUTIFUL 💕CLASSY 🎀 T H I C K💓⭐ MAKE it B0Unce.40.60.80 - 21
(Nashville, Murfreesboro ..)