Mon 27 Jan
Visiting § • Highly Reviewed Petite CHEROKEE Beauty • REAL PICS * 100% INDEPENDENT • § Visiting - 27
(Memphis, Residential Outcall Memphis/Surr Areas)
** Sexy Blonde wanting to please you* * Single* Discrete* Busty * 50$ - 38
(Knoxville, Knoxville North)
The wEll rEvIeWed CANDI iS BaCk bIg BoOtY SnOw bUnNeY UNrUShEd InCaLls 24hrS 423 414 8797 INDEPENDET - 23
(Nashville, AirPort area UNRUSHED INcalls ONLY)
Stop ReGrEttInG the lAsT ** ReAl sAtiFaCtIoN ** Quality keeps u here* Stunning * Breath Taking - 25
(Goodlettsville, madison)
🌈SkYz🌈 unforgettable 40$pecials here (Limited time Only)Call9012361406 - 20
(Memphis, American way & Perkins)
~*~*SHE IS SHORT SWEET AND SEXY! Summer is back, with HALF price specials all day long*~*~ - 26
rachel red is back in town... special ..50 incalls - 25
(Clarksville, Oak Grove , Ft.Campbell , Post & Clarksv)
Thick n creamy !! come get me im tight right n extra creamy!!! - 22
(Memphis, surrounding areas (south third))
((★SiMPLy AMAZiNG!★)) ___!*FuN & FrIeNDLy*!___ ((★BuSTy TaN CaLiFoRNia blOnDe! ★)) _$100 INCALL!!! - 27
(Clarksville, ☆Exit 86 (Oak Grove) Incall Only☆)
▀ █ █ ▀█ SEXY ❤❤❤ HOT█▀ █ █ ▀█ WiLLiNG ❤❤❤ READY █▀ █ █ ▀█ CALL ME! ❤❤❤ - 23 - 24
(Memphis, memphis midtown area)
** NINA ** 502-468-6683 * JAZ's friend* Incredibly Sexy & Classy for the Upscale Gentlemen - 32
(Nashville, Outcall / Incall)
▀ █ █ ▀█ SEXY ❤❤❤ HOT█▀ █ █ ▀█ WiLLiNG ❤❤❤ READY █▀ █ █ ▀█ CALL ME! ❤❤❤ - 23 - 23
(Memphis, memphis tn incall or outcall)
°o★Memphis #1 EBoNY PROViDER ☆•EXQUiSiTe Like GODIVAS★ EARLY BIRD SPCLS! until ★ 100% Me or FREE ★° - 23
(Memphis, ★◇AMERICAN WAY incall ONLY◆☆)
💋💋New Pics💋💋Exotic Hottie💕40$Qwik Stops💦Incalls Available Now - 22
New In Town...Princess(upscale Italian/AA knox fav college girl) Call and Book now - 24
(Nashville, Nashville (east-in calls))
SARAH ♡♡♡ I just need SOMEBODY to take me to the adult store, so we can play and have fun! - 25
(Chattanooga, chattanooga, tn)
Kate: The "Very Sexy" VS Collection- Guess Who Comes Gift-Wrapped in It Now?! - 43
(Nashville, Nashville Incall/Area-wide Outcall)
HoT BRUNETTE ——— ❤ ——— █ Obey •*¨¨*• Your •*¨¨*• Thirst █ ——— ❤ ——— SuPeR SeXy - 21
(Clarksville, Wilma Rudolph (exit 4))
lacy forget rest ...♥have BEST♡ petite blonde Let me b UR VALENTINE avail 24/7 Valentine's spc - 25
(Nashville, nashville old hickory)
®¥ NEw InTown♥´¯*★ GoRGeouS BoDy .★100% rEaL PhoTos .¯*★ VerY KInky .*★«Specials AvAiLaBlE!! - 21
(Memphis, Memphis Area OutCalls Only!!)
✨:::Must See Pics⭐Sexi College Blonde Bombshell 🌟 Single⭐ New# 🌟 Available Now🌟 100$ - 22
(Knoxville, ⭐North Knoxville ⭐)
💋💋New in town and ready to play💋💋 🌟Upscale · Naughty · Xclusive🌟 - 19
(Nashville, Brentwood/Franklin)
❥----LOOK❥ NEW-----❥----NEW ❥-----❥Radiance ❥-----❥----- ❥1000% REAL Call me 208-371-6042 - 20
(Knoxville, In & Out)